EU leaves some room for gas projects in green spending guidelines
BRUSSELS (Reuters) – The EU’s mammoth post-pandemic recovery fund, which is intended to exclude projects that worsen climate change or harm the environment, could in some circumstances be used for investment in a fossil fuel – gas – the European Commission said on Friday.
Yellen Takes ‘Go Big’ Message to G-7 to Aid Global Recovery
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen stressed the need for the Group of Seven countries to “go big” with fiscal stimulus to support economic recovery from the global pandemic.
Offshore Wind Plans Will Drive Up Electricity Prices And Require ‘Massive Industrialization Of The Oceans’
The regatta for setting the loftiest targets for offshore wind energy development has set sail. Today, South Korea announced plans for 8.2 gigawatts of offshore wind. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson recently called for 40 gigawatts of offshore wind capacity to be built in UK waters by 2030.
CNPE define temas estratégicos para programas de P&D
O governo decidiu orientar o uso prioritário dos recursos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento do setor energético em projetos voltados para hidrogênio, energia nuclear, biocombustíveis, armazenamento de energia, transformação digital, tecnologias para geração termelétrica sustentável e minerais estratégicos para o setor energético.