Climate Crisis Can’t Be Solved Without Africa

The Biden administration’s plan to pursue a 50% reduction in U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 is hugely encouraging. It’s already spurred other nations, including Canada and Japan, to adopt more aggressive plans of their own. But global progress in the coming decades will hinge on what happens in developing nations, especially India and China, […]

Ecuador moves ahead in transformation of energy grid with IDB support

The Inter-American Development Bank approved a $280 million loan to Ecuador to support transformation of its its enery grid, improvements in energy efficiency and promotion of access to electricity generated from renewable sources. The loan aims to support the country in its climate change goals in the energy sector and help consolidate its fiscal and […]

China’s Great Energy Shift Sets Mega Hybrid Plants in Motion

In China’s latest efforts to pit renewable energy against fossil fuels, it is again betting on size. Resources such as wind and solar don’t stand much of a chance if there isn’t a way to store energy when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine. So some of China’s biggest state-owned companies are […]

Warren Buffett Has Started The Biggest Energy Revolution

Did you hear the news about a “breed” of stocks that made investors the richest in 2019? It’s not housing stocks, which enjoyed a record rally last year. It’s not even everyone’s beloved tech stocks like Netflix or Facebook. This may sound like a joke if you’ve followed this sector for long, but the hands-down […]